Fact about Pluto

We both know that Pluto is no longer a member of "planet" in our solar system, but do you know why? If you do not know, please read the article below ...

Pluto was first discovered in 1930 by Clyde W. Tombaugh at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff Arizona. Astronomers have long predicted that there would be a ninth planet in the solar system, which they call Planet X.Tombaugh given a difficult task to probe the ninth planet.After a year of observations, Tombaugh finally discovered an object in orbit similar tocriteria of a planet, and declared that he had found Planet X. Because they have found it, the team from the Lowell Observatory was allowed to give the name of the planet. They gave the name of Pluto, the Roman god named one of the world's bawah.Nama sekolahberumur advised by a girl 11 years at Oxford, Inggris.Jadi, if anyone thinks the name is taken from the name of his dog Pluto Mickey, then you are wrong.
Astronomers are not sure about the mass until the discovery of Pluto's largest moon, Charon, in 1978. And by knowing the mass (0.0021 Earth), they can more accurately gauge its size. The most accurate measurement of the current size of Pluto was found about 2,400 km (1,500 miles).

Over the past few decades, research in the observatory have completely changed previous understanding of Tata Surya.Pluto and its moons are now known only example of the collection of objects called the Kuiper Belt. This region extends from the orbit of Neptune to 55 astronomical units (55 times the distance of Earth to the Sun). Astronomers estimate that there are at least 70,000 icy body, with the same composition as Pluto, which extends up to 100 km across or more in the Kuiper Belt. And according to the new rules, Pluto is not a planet. Only part of the belt itself kupier.
Here's the problem, astronomers have discovered smaller objects than Pluto in Belt Kuiper.Obyek named 2005 FY9, discovered by Caltech astronomer Mike Brown and his team is only slightly smaller than Pluto. And there are several other Kuiper Belt objects in the classification sama.Para astronomers realized, that's just a matter of time before an object larger than Pluto was discovered in the Kuiper Belt.. And finally, astronomers have discovered the object is, farther away from the orbit of Pluto, which may be similar to Pluto's size, or even larger. Officially named 2003 UB313, the object was later named Eris Eris.Ukuran about 2,600 km (1,600 miles) across a surface, it also has a mass about 25% greater than Pluto.Eris Made from a mixture of ice / bebeatuan that size, similar to Pluto , the concept that we have nine planets in the solar system began to fall apart. Is the Eris, planet or Kuiper Belt Object, then what about the status of Pluto as the ninth planet? Astronomers decided they would make a final decision on the definition of planets in the XXVIth General Assembly and was followed by the International Astronomical Union, which was held from August 14 - August 25, 2006 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The results of the conference, astronomers finally chose a pretty controversial decision, which demoting Pluto (and Eris), to the newly created classification of "dwarf planet." Keep in mind, to determine the worth of an object called a planet or not, should meet three requirements specified by the IAU (International Astronomical Union). Firstly, The object must be in orbit around Pluto is a possible Matahari.Jadi planet.Lalu second, must have enough gravity to pull itself into a shape texture permukanya bola.Dan the latter, the object could be a dominant gravity than other objects in orbit around it, which means there should be no other objects that size is proportional to the object tersebut.Sebagai comparison, the mass of Pluto is only 0.07 times the mass of the other objects in its orbit. While the Earth, has 1.7 million times the mass of the other objects in its orbit, so Pluto is not memenuhui conditions, so it does not deserve to be called a planet.
Any object that does not meet the three criteria was considered a planet kerdil.Tetapi, though Pluto was named a dwarf planet, Pluto is still interesting nonetheless to dipelajari.Karena that NASA launched the spacecraft "New Horizons" to be sent to Pluto. New Horizons will reach Pluto in July 2015, and captured the first close-up images of the surface of the planet (dwarf) itu.Jadi we wait later in 2015

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